Gallery "But his Hauser guitar sounded so excellent and peculiar, you couldn´t even believe it was a guitar, unless you had seen it." (Guitar Friend, 1920 / 1,5 Report about a concert of Munich guitarist and zither player Fritz Mühlhölzl in Darmstadt) >>> Guitar | Personal Copy for Miguel Llobet | 1913 >>> Guitar | Special Edition | Hermann Hauser III | 2003 >>> Quintbassguitars | Hermann Hauser I | 1922, 1924 >>> Guitar | Hermann Hauser II | 1960 >>> Guitar | Personal Copy for Andres Segovia | 1931 >>> Guitar | Personal Copy for Akinobu Matsuda | 2003 >>> Third Gitarre | Hermann Hauser I | 1917 >>> Guitar Expertise | Hermann Hauser I, Max Amberger | 1917, 1875 >>> Max Amberger >>> Guitar | Hermann Hauser III | 2004 >>> Guitars | Hermann Hauser III, Hauser I, Hauser II | 2003, 1922, 1960 >>> Mechanics Old Star | Landstorfer - Reischl | 2003 >>> Mechanics Quintbass | 1922 >>> Mechanics | Landstorfer - Reischl | 1960 >>> Rosette | Hermann Hauser II | 1960 >>> Rosette | Hermann Hauser I | 1917 >>> Rosette | Hermann Hauser III | 2003 >>> Vienna- and Munich Model | Hermann Hauser I | 1929 >>> Pegheads | 1882 - 1960 >>> Hermann Hauser: Guitar | The Metropolitan Museum of Art |